To export Active Directory users to CSV using PowerShell, follow these steps:

active directory auditing solutions
  1. Open PowerShell on a domain controller or a workstation with Active Directory PowerShell module installed.
  2. Run the command “Import-Module ActiveDirectory” to load the Active Directory PowerShell module.
  3. Run the command “Get-ADUser -Filter * -Properties * | Select-Object Name, SamAccountName, Enabled, PasswordLastSet, PasswordNeverExpires, Description, EmailAddress | Export-CSV C:\ADUsers.csv -NoTypeInformation” to export all AD users to a CSV file.
  4. If you want to export users with a specific attribute, add a filter to the “Get-ADUser” command. For example, to export users in a specific OU, you can use the command “Get-ADUser -Filter * -SearchBase “OU=Users,DC=domain,DC=com” -Properties * | Select-Object Name, SamAccountName, Enabled, PasswordLastSet, PasswordNeverExpires, Description, EmailAddress | Export-CSV C:\ADUsers.csv -NoTypeInformation”
  5. The exported CSV file will be saved in the specified location. You can open the file in Excel or any other CSV editor to view and analyze the data.

This PowerShell command exports the most commonly used attributes of AD users, but you can customize the command to export other attributes as needed.

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